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“ARMAN QALA” social project

Rules for granting land plots under the social project “ARMAN QALA”

List of documents to participate in the contest

1)application form;

2) copy of the registration certificate of an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity;

3) certificate on absence of tax debts at the moment of application submission;

4) business plan;

5) payment document with the bank’s note on execution to confirm the transfer of the established guarantee fee by the potential participant. The cost of the guarantee fee is 50 MRIs.

Details for transferring the guarantee deposit:

BIN: 101 140 008 468
IIC: KZ19998МТВ0000418104
Beneficiary bank: АО «СПК «Актобе»
Kbe: 16
Bank:  Branch of “First Heartland Jysan Bank” (Cesna), Aktobe city